Bayfield 36s

Returning to the marina from The Tavern at Jack’s Neck, my eyes deceived me. Ferrity‘s cabin lights were on and people were in the cockpit. Didn’t jump to trespasser conclusion but kept watching as I neared.

Turned out that s/v Rendezvous, another Bayfield 36, had docked two slips shoreward from Ferrity. First there was s/v Mavi at Gilmerton Bridge and now a second one. More Bayfield 36s that I’ve seen since owning Ferrity.

s/v Rendezvous and s/v Ferrity at River Forest Marina, Belhaven, NC
s/v Rendezvous and s/v Ferrity at River Forest Marina, Belhaven, NC
Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Cape Town, South Africa