Exploring Reedville

Visited the Reedville Fisherman’s Museum yesterday afternoon. Learned about the menhaden fishery and industry. According to the museum, Reedville is the second largest port for the landing of commercial fish; Kodiak Alaska is first. Is well worth the visit.

Ate dinner at The Crazy Crab last evening. Because we are in the off-season, it is only open Friday evening, then Saturday and Sunday from noon until 8. The crabmeat stuffed portobello hit the spot almost as much as the rum and coke. Several diners sat outside under the canopy with propane heaters.

Explored Belhaven from one end to the other – few blocks today. Found two more eateries. Chitterchats Ice Cream Parlor which was closed for the season, and Tommy’s Steak and Seafood which opened on a schedule similar to The Crazy Crab.

A few homes were decorated for Halloween. Air-inflated monsters of several varieties infested one haunted house.

At the far end of main street, an old gas station had been converted to a tire shop.

Also no noise, wakes, or sky pollution. Clearest night skies that I’ve seen since the prairie.

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Cape Town, South Africa